Darren Hawk
@hawk · 0:27

The Legend of The Grateful Nudes

This is a repository for the story. The Legend of the Grateful Nudes. A sort of private, urban legend from the Family Hawk in probably the late 1980

Family lore adolescence

greensage, LLC
@Beej_J · 2:41
Okay. I think late 80s is about right. Which puts me older than than I'd have thought, because, as I can remember, it was the first time I saw a person, a nude stranger. I mean, there were the National Geographic magazines or the statue stone statues or something, but that was about it certainly wasn't as much showing back then as now or as much openness. I suppose there's another way of looking at it
greensage, LLC
@Beej_J · 1:55
And that was nothing like what we were told when it came to the Grateful Dead or anything that I don't know what is the category I'll have to think about that, but certainly not for the Grateful Dead, right
Darren Hawk
@hawk · 3:59
You told us about the Grateful Nudes, and then it seems like we went to see if we could see them, too. So then maybe the four of us went out and were looking down the dunes towards the beach or across the dunes towards other dunes and sort of sneaking around trying to see if we could catch another glimpse of them
Darren Hawk
@hawk · 4:24

Other communities, other nudes

We studied a little bit about other religions, which was pretty interesting, but yeah, I think definitely more exposure to different types of different communities that had as much in common as our small community seemed to have as tightly wound around something as Covenant Community Church. Was it's definitely edifying to have a peek at other people with fervor or I don't know, fervor is other right word. There other people who had tight communities like that
greensage, LLC
@Beej_J · 4:02
And in my recollection, it was on that trip that we stopped and went over to a beach. I think it was kind of foggy. Yes, there were sand dunes, but there was also kind of a flat area right on the water. And Scott and I had been walking down the beach, and this couple was coming toward us