Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:32

When was the last time you cried?

Crying is probably the most vulnerable, human, symbolically understanding thing we all know. You don't need to know what language someone is speaking to see them cry. You know the act, but we cry for a multitude of different reasons. And there's a lot of customs and traditions attached to those reasons at times where maybe you're not supposed to cry or you are supposed to cry or et cetera, even some police interrogations

Also when was the last time you saw someone else cry? #humanity #vunerabulity

Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:59

Can crying be the response of your psyche highlighting an issue? @MerelyHum

So as he had gotten older, he naturally represses it to the point where it's almost nonexistent or at least not in a healthy way. Expressed So that was some of the stuff that brought about this idea. So, no, I'm not going through anything too dark right now to warrant crying itself. But I just thought it would be a good topical idea. I was thinking about something for Swell all weekend in the midst of celebrating my daughter's birthday. But thank you for responding