Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:20

A Tale Of Two Coreys (2018) 6/10

article image placeholderA Tale of Two Coreys (TV Movie 2018) - IMDb
I thought the two Corey's, the younger Corey did a great job, great job with the role and with the material that was given to them. So I don't know how you would find this film. I found it via Voodoo, and I don't know if you're going to pay for it, you're probably not going to pay. You probably would not spend your money on it


Neal Damiano
@NealD · 2:25

Two Corey’s movie

Hey, I just came across this post in the film Search of Swell Cast, and I'm a big fan of the Two Cores. I grew up with all other films and absolutely love them, especially A Little Dream and License to Drive have always been my favorites. And Lost Boys. And I saw A-A-A-A-A Tale of Two Coreys. The problem I had with it was it made it seem like Corey Hame was tremendously, more messed up than Corey Feldman
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:01

Yea a movie that captured a moment in time where I idolized these two.

I didn't understand what that life is still to this day, I haven't done any drugs or anything, but yeah, it could have been done better. Not certainly the best film in the world. But I thought it was such an interesting take. Two kids that were, like, dominant in Hollywood at one point in time, you couldn't go anywhere without hearing about these two. And to some degree, it seems kind of hard to replicate that
Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:36
Hey, De Juan and hey, Neal, I just stumbled upon this post, and I have to say, I've never seen the movie, but now I'm definitely going to watch it. Dewuan, you're nine years older than me. So I didn't grow up up when these guys were mega stars. But I did grow up right after that. So all the films you mentioned Goonies license to drive The Lost Boys, especially for me. They were some of my favorite films growing up
Neal Damiano
@NealD · 2:36
That's why, Unfortunately, I think Hang was shown in a batter. Right. But I like to remember them as their films, from a span from anywhere from license to Drive to Lost Boys to Dream, a little Dream all the way up to Blown Away. So I think Blown Away was the last film they did together. It's a great film. Stars Nicole Egger really dark film that not too many people know about, but I would recommend viewers checking that film out
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Neal Damiano
@NealD · 2:50
Yeah, to respond back to Taylor's input. You know, I had the chance to meet Feldman as well. I didn't have the quite the same experience you had. Of course, you were 16, and I was four years ago, maybe. So I was probably like 42 or so 43 years old