Fareed Ahamad
@faaraad1 · 1:37

Consistency and Motivation

article image placeholderConsistency and Motivation
For example, even exercise and eating healthy are hard for us because we lack the motivation to do so. I want to get your guys'opinions on this just because I truly want to be able to figure out what is the key to unlock other sort of motivation, to allow us to develop a regimen and to develop more consistency because we know that these things are good for us, yet we still are not able to accomplish them. Let me know any strategies that you guys do for motivational techniques

#strategy #swell

Eric Lanigan
@EricLanigan · 4:55

Speaking as a motivation coach on this...

And then we have hidden competing commitments. And those hidden competing commitments drive our behavior just as much, maybe even more than our explicit commitments. And it's really frustrating because we don't realize that we have these commitments and those could be commitments to feeling safe commitments to feeling in control. You can see that to do a new thing, even if it's a thing that you can see would be of high value