Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 3:47

I watch Scamfished And OMG

I understand you got to be attracted to the person that you're with, but we're so faint these days. We're so easy to jump ship for the next prettiest thing. Until that next prettiest thing, well, doesn't treat us right. It see, I just have to share

What will people do for the flesh?

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:37

#relationshipadvice #communication

So that alone is great to discover, to recognize, to bring attention to which this show is beautifully doing. So that's kind of epic. Yeah, it's crazy. It's crazy to think that people are willing to risk everything and throw everything away for something. I mean, who knows? This is beyond me. Absolutely. I think you get to a point of desperation, you get to a point of neediness that most people just don't fully comprehend