Miranda Doerfler
@docsaico · 4:24


You know, sound and music are always really important in movies, but that really was compelling to me. It made me feel fear. And I think this is one of Ethan Hawk's best performances. I remember reading in an article a while ago, you know how hard it is for actors in horror movies to give convincing performances because they have to look genuinely scared for multiple scenes at a time, for hours on end, days on end, to do their part

Today, let’s talk about Sinister.

Beaumou Manatee
@BeaumouManatee · 4:25
Because I feel like if we had had the actual sounds of those clips, it would just be like the clips were already disturbing enough by themselves. But if we could hear what was going on as well, it would probably make the film too gory for me personally, and then going over to Ethan Hawke, I just love part of what drives the first half of the film for me is just the believability of his character and we're rooting for him as a writer
Miranda Doerfler
@docsaico · 2:55


Just so great, so hard for a horror movie to execute that I think, and so great when they do. And yeah, Ethan Hawke, like you said, seeing his reactions instead of seeing I don't know if you watched the 101 scariest horror movie moments on Shutter, it just finished and it's a great little series. But Sinister was on the list and it was talking about the lawnmower kill. And they said you actually don't see anything