Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:54

Listen to this amazing story!

So he goes to the grocery store, literally walks in the store. Like, not even, like, he walked a couple of aisles. He's ready to go. He walks in the grocery store and he hears someone say his name. His name is Andre. So someone says, Andre. And he turned around and he looks at her, he says, Lisa

I love when these types of coincidences happen!

Scharlette Donald
@sharlettespeaks · 3:48
And of course, because my daughter and I were further along in the line than they were, by the time we got our food, it took us less time to eat our food than them. But we stuck around, spent a little time catching up, and ever since then, we've just been in touch ever since then
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:56


Hi. Charlotte speaks. Thanks for sharing. I loved your story. I love those incidences where it could have gone either way, just, you know, eating meaty, mighty Mo. Which restaurant, which time. I mean, like, if you had stopped for gas or said, okay, we'll go to Target first and then go to the restaurant. You know, things like that, where you could have missed them and you haven't seen them in years
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:01
You all know Walmart is cheaper. Walmart probably got a little bit more variety. But Walmart also crazy on a Saturday morning, you understand to me, right? And so I said, Let me just go to Joanne's because I already know I can get some paint and stuff. Probably $10 is worth it not to have to stand in line in Walmart and all kind of stuff. And so last minute decisions to run into Joanne fabrics, turn down the aisle, and who do I see?
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:37
And so it was just a coincidence because I know you're saying, well, that's your dad, but we don't talk every day. We don't talk that often. We kind of hate each other up for the birthdays and the holidays. Sometimes on a random Sunday, he'll make his rounds, and he'll call the family, see how we're doing. So I had no clue my dad was going to be there, and he had no clue I was going to be there