Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:36

Today on the Voiceover: Does Daylight Savings Time Suck?

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It doesn't make sense now. A lot of people hate it, Bloomberg reported. I think last year that when we spring forward in March, there's more heart attacks, there's more car accidents, more things messed up in the world when that happens, I think the energy companies like it because we turn the lights on earlier. But what does it mean to you when we fall back, like we're doing on Sunday or when we spring forward like we do in March?

@OKRL @Tim @Phil @MelissaForman @bowie

Professor Z
@Professor42 · 1:42

Edit: Arizona & Hawaii don't observe it

Professor 42 here's my opinion. Daylight savings time is absolute trash. I don't see a point to it, and I believe it was maybe a year ago or two. There was actually a proposal to end it, and I think a lot of States got behind it, but I really don't know what exactly happened to it, and it kind of just went away. I might Google that to see what the update is on that. But me, I personally hate it
Niki Ebrahimnejad
@N1kkums · 1:56
Hi, Deborah. I'm on a fast morning walk to campus and decided to just listen to the latest swell on my feet, which happened the years and a very interesting topic at that point. For me, daylight Savings time
Jessica McMillan
@JLMcMillan · 2:37

Not compatible with arbitrary changes to the circadian rhythm

It's not the deep of winter, which is in itself an adjustment, but it's one that we achieve gradually. So they actually scientists do compare the adjustment physically that we make in daylight savings to jet lag. And anyone listening who's had jet lag before knows how pervasive it is. For me, daylight savings, that feeling lasts for at least a week. I'm just messed up
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:40

@JLMcMillan @N1kkums @Professor42

But when a law goes into effect that changes your personal rhythm, it does seem to have a ripple. And from all of you, it seems like Nikki is less affected and kind of likes it. But I need professor for you, too. And Jess, you guys really see the need for it to just go away. I'm just curious if anybody has a thought about the chaos factor of this when some States do it, some States don't
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 1:17
I know some people have that seasonal awareness disorder, and they need, like, the lamp lights. Friend of mine. She kind of has that. But she lives in Denmark, so sunlight is different there. But for me, me, it doesn't really affect me all that much daylight savings time, whether it existed or not. Yeah, it's really my thoughts on the matter