Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:43

VOICE PETITION: States Must Take Legal Action to Stop USPS Sabotage by Administration

They should be taking legal action right now. As this swell grows, please share it with your local, state and federal representatives. Let them hear our voices loud. Thanks

Add your voice. Share. Send to your representatives. #voicescarry PLEASE: brevity is powerful. You can just say "yes - I support this petition!"

Natalie spiro
@nabster2020 · 0:30

First time voting as a us citizen

This is my first year voting as an American citizen. I just received citizenship in October of last year and I absolutely do want to vote. I've been living in this country years and have never had an opportunity to vote. And I want to vote so absolutely do not sabotage my voting ability. I want to and will vote. Thanks
Toby Tullis
@TobinT · 1:06


We have stood by and watched the dismantling of so many of our freedoms as American people by the administration. And whether you're pro Trump or not protrump, this falls into the category of how is history going to remember the this moment? And if we don't stand up and say something, we're numb. I understand that we are numb and that there's nothing really left that is shocking
Taylor J
@Taylor · 0:42

Calling for full support of the USPS

The federal government needs to do something right now about what President Trump is doing to the United States Postal Service. The United States Postal Service is by far one of the most important essential services that we have in this country. Postal workers are the only government employees that any citizen in this country can have regular, everyday contact with. People get their medicine through the mail. People vote through the mail, people pay their bills through the mail, and people run small businesses through the mail
Neerja Narayanan
@Neerja · 1:26

The foundations of the democratic process are at stake

Hannah Erend spoke about the banality of evil on the normalization of fascism during the Third Reich and the normalization of human wickedness and what our effective antidotes are to it. Voting is a right. It is not a privilege. It is a right, and it is the fundamental foundation stone of any democracy. We need to make an effort to ensure that anybody who wants to vote gets the chance to vote. And that's more important than even the outcome of the vote
Erika Schon
@Riki · 0:27


This swell is so important, especially now when we know so many will not get in line for in person voting. It is unthinkable that anybody would undermine the efficiency of our US Postal systems at a time when we rely on it, the most mail Invalid must be accessible, easy and efficient for every state in our country
Shammi Mohamed
@shammi · 0:55
The postal system is what enables this Dlhastings. The postal system or taking it away will affect everyone's capacity to vote. We are a democracy and to keep it that way, everyone needs to be able to vote
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ruth Steinberg
@LittleSaplings · 0:39

Us postal service mail in ballots- what now Ahr shall we do in preparation

I am personally, so incredibly outraged and lost in this whole madness. It's just so unfathomable that we've got to this phase at this stage. It's just really ridiculous. Has anybody any idea of what we do in case we can't get our mailing ballots in on time? I mean, I have sent away from mine and it's going to come and I'm going to fill it out. Should I be quickly sending it back in now? Should I be holding on to it?
Ruth Steinberg
@LittleSaplings · 0:18


Having voiced my concern, I would like to voice my civic duty, my encouragement. We must must, must just all get out and vote. Spread the word vote, vote, vote and mail in our votes. Probably if it's best


I live in the state of California, and as a young voter being 28, I think it's important for not just young voters, but all voters to do their research on mail in voting, to see the statistics on it, how effective it is, especially during a time like this. With the pandemic going on. I encourage young voters to do their research on the postmaster general and who he supports
Neerja Narayanan
@Neerja · 1:30

For @LittleSaplings

So there's a way around it. You request the mail Invalid, which you've done. Don't mail it. Google your supervisor of Elections to see where you can drop off your mail Invalid. It's usually not the polling place. This is the part that I'm not 100% certain off. So you need to Google that and find out what the indications are from your supervisor of elections. But apparently all States allow this
Daniel Hastings
@dlhastings · 0:44

Yes, and put the public mailboxes back!

I absolutely support this petition and support the Post Office. I also want to mention that although we have halted the removal of Post Office boxes of public mailboxes, as I understand it in some States, maybe all States, we need to put them back. So not just stop taking them away, but the ones that have been taken need to be returned
Larry Hirshowitz
@hirshowitz2017 · 0:20
We have to get out there and vote. Our democracy is in jeopardy, and we have to vote either way through the mail or in person. But we have to vote to get this President out of office. Thank you
trisja malisoff
@trisja · 0:22
It's unbelievable what's happening. Defunding the Post Office and taking away boxes and service is beyond criminal. And Trump needs to walk away fast
Dawn Ellen
@Dawnie · 0:41
I agree with everything that has been said so far. The Postal Service is an essential service. I myself own a small business and do a lot of shipping out through my home in the postal man just picks it up from the front of my house, making sure that I don't have to go to the post office because I'm Ellen a compromise
Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 0:40
I support this petition. I am for the USPS. Do not do not do not defund the USPS. Please give everyone the equal right to mail and in their votes, especially in the pandemic. And also, please bring back all those routing machines that you had taken out of the Postal Office. I mean, seriously cannot refund U as Postal Service. It's just such an essential service. I know you're trying to rig the election, but this is not the way to go
Meredith Scott
@MeredithScott · 3:20


How about I don't give a s*** who raised you? And if you were told bad things as a child or if bad things happen to you, get over it, do the work. It's real simple. There's, right and there's wrong. Don't take my f****** mailbox off of my f****** corner. So I don't know. I'm waiting for someone to get loud
Jason Schon
@JasonSchonMD · 0:06


I support this petition and I would like to vote by mail
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:34

https://cnn.it/2QnRawy #USPS #vote #crime

I guess his voice petition can continue with conversation. I'm just watching a clip from DeJoy today at the Congressional Hearings saying he will not replace the mail sorters that he has is taken away from the post offices here for yourself. It's really disturbing, but we need to be aware of it and continue these kinds of petitions. Anything we could do to make sure that Congress knows were behind them. In terms of this investigation here it is