The Daily Swell
@daily · 3:17

Florida schools tell teachers to hide books: Is this really happening?

article image placeholderHide your books to avoid felony charges, Fla. schools tell teachers
Banning is not a new concept. Individual books have been subject to bans since for the past hundreds of years. Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was almost immediately thought to be banned in some locations immediately after writing. And it's been targeted for about 128 years. Since Huckleberry Finn catcher in the Rye. I know why the caged bird sings

#Newsroundtable https://s.swell.life/STUYcwr50h0sZw7 #bookban



Where's the fine you have to pay? Where are you being restricted from being somewhere, speaking somewhere because you're saying Merry Christmas, it's nonsense. As well as these ideas of banning books and critical race theory, being of the devil in some sort of way, any of these ridiculous notions, there's no curiosity. What else could this possibly mean? What are the implications of the actions we're going to make or decide on based on the narratives we've created for ourselves?
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:27


Christina, you said everything I feel. Phil, I think your idea of people reading Foreign Height 551 451 as a required reading would only happen in a world that doesn't exist anymore. I think we're past that. I've never to Christina's point. Like, I was in the literacy space for 17 years. I worked with low level readers around the country. I went to conferences
Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:07
They want to do the best by their kids. And I would feel almost deputized to not follow those rules and do everything I can to provide my children with a proper education. But it's a tough one because they're talking about fines. They're talking about people potentially losing their teachers licenses. And it's such a hard situation for people to be put in, especially teachers who we know are seriously underpaid and have families with mouths that need to be fed
kristina Jensen
@kristinatarot · 2:36
I don't want them to be not educated. I let them read what they want. I tell them to read the classics. We read classics, we watch classic movies. You learn from our past. And we just keep making that same old mistake here in Florida and other red states, unfortunately, it's just really, really sad. And yes, they are turning teachers in. They are finding teachers. It's AB absolutely insane. It's just crazy to think this is happening again
River Hunter Wiley
@riverhunter87 · 5:00

@SeekingPlumb @DBPardes

So my husband is a high school teacher, and if he were to get caught with anything in his classroom that fascists deemed inappropriate for children or that doesn't show both sides, right? So, like, both sides of the Holocaust, if he doesn't have a book that counteracts Anne Frank's diary, then he can't have it. So my question to the fascist was, your wife is a teacher, right? When she starts using pronouns in her classroom and addressing her gender


When you say this is orchestrated, do you mean that we are seeing real life symptoms of the algorithms and how they affect humans? Psychology, sociology, etc. These actions, this rhetoric, these are all symptoms of the root being these various algorithms on social platforms, for example. Or are you talking like politicians behind and closed doors having conversations about how they want to achieve a specific goal and whatever that goal might be, et cetera?
River Hunter Wiley
@riverhunter87 · 4:59


Anyway, we were at her house for New Year's Eve and she asked a question about JFK and the JFK files. And then I was like, why would you ask me that? And she was like, I don't know, I just keep seeing it everywhere. And I was like, that's how I gauge if something has done its job, because she's not on social media, she's not on Facebook, she's not on Twitter


I read a book about the polarization of America and it basically was talking about the two different political parties and who tends to gravitate towards which party based on a variety of factors. And some of those things you can't change. It's just the way it is. That's not to say that there isn't hope or other things that can be addressed, but it's a very tangled complex, let's just say mess
River Hunter Wiley
@riverhunter87 · 5:00


Santis is doing in Florida and the one thing you said about they all have those common denominators, right? They all have some aspect of Christianity for the most part, or they all have kind of a twisted we could probably start our own swell about the QAnon conspiracy and how many of them probably have autistic brains, but that's a different swell altogether, in my opinion. But it is dismal to think that the Democrats are the only chance that we have to defeat fascism

@riverhunter87 "...is possible at this point." https://s.swell.life/STUofiylzESviEW

So it's talking about it from a slightly different perspective, but it's also talking about how this political divide came to be decades ago and has continually grown wider. And the reason I'm bringing this book up is because I found that instead of it making a hero or a villain out of one side or the other, it talked about, for example, our diverse wiring
article image placeholderAuthoritarianism and Polarization in American Politics