And letting those emotions go, it helped me release that pain that I had, the fear that I had. Even though I know that all things are possible, and I know that he's going to do well, he's going to make it, and I know that I'm going to be able to hug and kiss on him many times. But the fact that I was saddened by some of the information was something that I did not need to hide

#feelings #growth #hope

Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 5:00
And so if we look at it in that way, the tears that we cry, it cleanses our soul. It gets out all of those emotions. When you have a good cry, I'm talking about one of those when you have one of those good cries, it just seems like I can only speak for me, but it just seems like the weight is lifted off of me when I can get a good cry out. When I get a good cry out, my sinuses get clear
Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 4:41


I don't care who's around. If I feel joy about something, I'm afraid of the Lord. And that is where the tears come in. Also, if I feel that someone is going through something and they need some support, and it hits me in my heart, it's okay to cry. I work with mental health clients daily who do not know how to release their emotions
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:02
And he's doing great, but I've seen him, many, especially black men, like, I don't cry, I don't do this, I don't do that. Well, maybe you shouldn't, because if you cry, you wouldn't be so bitter, you wouldn't be so stressed. Let it out, let it out. It's okay to let it out
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:22
And those are powerful words, and I want to thank you for sharing that and your tone. If you don't do some kind of counseling or some kind of support in the world, I really believe that you could be a great support system for people who need support, no matter what it is, and that you could be added blessing. And like I said before, I do believe that it is okay to cry. I've had to cry many times
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 1:41
But in certain instances, if it's certain things that happen, a child sick or loved one passing away or something like that, then, yeah, we all cry and shed tears for stuff like that. But I would say that definitely for men. Definitely for men. Don't cry all the time about everything, because it's not cool, it's not manly. I'm sorry. I don't care. Say what you want
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:16
I do know what it's like to be emotionally passive, though, where you start to develop this even kill persona because you're trying to protect yourself and you don't want people to see your vulnerabilities. I've been through some terrible church trauma, and so for a long time, I was very emotionally passive. I did not want anyone to hurt me. I did not want to act like I was affected by what was going on
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:33
We got to let it go. And if you just hold it in, you're just going to burst and you're going to be upset. You're going to be punching holes and walls. You're going to be going off on somebody, hitting somebody, or even, like, hurting yourself. So I think that crying is a good way to release
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 0:33
Hey, Mark. Thank you for sharing. I think that that's really beautiful, because I feel like that having time with each other is something that's valuable to you both. And I feel like that you can both feel each other's energy, and that's just something that you share. It's not something that's sad, but it's something more of a happiness, of a pleasure, of a joy. And I can definitely see where you might do that
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:12
But it is a process, and I always feel better after I do that, instead of just sitting there and holding my emotions in. Crying is definitely not a bad thing to do. And I agree that sometimes in our culture, we do tell our people not to cry. We tell our boys definitely. But I will tell you that I deny raise a boy not to cry. I raise a boy to be strong, to be comfortable with his emotions, and I hope that that goes
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00


I just don't understand the crying thing. My boys wasn't raised like that. I remember my mom telling me when I was young, save those tears for something important. And it wasn't nothing. I'm just acting stupid, you know what I mean? I'm trying to get attention. And she was like, Save them tears are important. Save them tears for something important. You know what I mean?
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 4:59
I'm telling you I'm all right. Just for future reference, I think I am. A lot of people told me I am. They say I'm too nice. So, like, don't toss me in because I got, you know, because I don't want to cry. Because until I can trust you, you're probably not going to see that. And if I do, you're the only person going to see that. I'm going to tell you that right now
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:40
But, yeah, I want to say something funny because every time that you call me on my Twitter, I think about Bernie Mac. But I love your personality, and I love how you are uniquely yourself. I do want to say that for a male to cry, I don't believe they should cry at the drop of the head. No. But I do think that they should feel safe and have someone they can cry in front of
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 0:52
We do have to wipe those tears and carry on, though. We can't just be sitting there crying, crying, crying, crying. It's going to get better. You have to believe that. If I have a partner and they cry, I'm not going to penalize them. But if I look up, every time I turn around, they in the corner crying, crying, crying, crying and begging. We can't be together
Luce Fonrose
@ilovelucee · 1:57
But that's far from the case. It reminds us that we're humans. We don't always have it together. A lot of times, we don't even have it together. And so it's just important to just let go of those emotions that we're harboring, because the longer we keep them in, the more toxic it is to our nervous system, our mental health, our emotional health, our physical nothing good can come from it
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:18
Hey, thank you so much for those kind words. I really appreciate it. You're right. We focus on the good things, and we trust and we believe, and everything will work out. I have no doubt. So it is definitely okay to cry, because you're right, when we hold it in, all we do is make things worse. So we need to release those emotions