Isaias David Rodriguez
@chicanothoughts · 2:08

Top 100 answers on the board, what skill do you struggle with?

Hello and welcome to my first audio with Swell. This is Chicano thoughts. My name is Isaias Rodriguez and the series just captures moments, memories, past experiences. Today's question is a really good one. What skill was difficult to really master them? And for me, in all of my experiences, the number one thing that always comes in on top is consistency. I've struggled with that in many different ways

#TellYourStory #SwellPrompt | The skill I have struggled the most to acquire

Diane Lee
@Rainbow · 3:08
I'm more outspoken. I can do this now where I couldn't before. I can sing out in public now where I couldn't before. I go into this room called Linza's room on there, and there's four different prompts where you say one thing you're proud of yourself, one thing you're grateful about yourself, one thing that you desire, and one thing that you love about yourself. And when you do the desire, you make it seem like it's already been done
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 1:39
So for me, it's definitely earning the big, biggest skill set that I've been having trouble with is earning not only just earning more money, but earning more money in a way that still allows me to have control and freedom over my time. That is for me, the most important skill set. And once that is locked in, it makes everything easier for me