Cherry Gupta
@cherrygupta · 1:42

I am among 1% people in this world

In my case, I am allergic to fermented and packaged products, which restricts my diet a lot. But I do try to fight my urges and not eat the forbidden food. So from burger to curd, almost everything is banned for me. Oh, don't feel sorry for me. The fact that I can't eat most of the fast food is just helping me reduce my fat tummy. Well, jokes aside, ulticaria is a quite annoying allergy, but sharing my pain with people makes it better

#allergy #mystory #urticaria #unique #story #realstory #pain #allergicreactions #food

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:06
I really admire and I am really inspired by the way you are speaking. So I really agree. Most of the time when we are suffering from something, people tend to show some kind of sympathy towards us. But we don't actually need sympathy. We are sharing our pain so that the people around us understand what other things are and they get motivated. And second most important thing is we actually feel good by sharing our pain