Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 1:20

#AuthorInterview | Let's talk with NYTimes bestselling author Colleen Gleason

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Well, I am so thrilled to be starting off this interview with New York Times and USA Today bestselling and award winning author, Colleen Gleason. Colleen has written everything from vampire hunters to dystopian romance to steampunk historical romance and mysteries with a supernatural flair or historical setting. One element that appears in all of her books, though, is that of partnership

#books #amreading #newbooks #mystery

Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 1:06


Colleen, I am so inspired by just the sheer breadth of your work in all of these different genres. I would love to hear a little bit about how you started out as a writer. Are you someone where you always knew that you wanted to write in all of these different genres, and when did you see that there was a theme here of partnership in your work across genres?
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:38


Congratulations on having mastering the art of French murder now out in the world. For those who haven't yet had a chance to pick it up. It was just published this past April, so y'all go out and get it. How would you describe this novel in your own words, Colleen? And if you're up to it, would you mind sharing a sentence or two, or maybe a short pair paragraph to give listeners a sense of how this books sounds and feels?
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:45

#askafailure #writingadvice

Do you have a failure story or two that has in any way sort of shaped your course as a writer or informed how you approach the writing process that you might share with us and all the other writers and creatives listening who may be able to learn something from your experience? So
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:40


Lastly, one of my favorite things about you as a writer is you clearly have so many incredible interests. I'd love to know what something is that you're currently obsessed with now that mastering the art of French murder is out in the world. Have you already started working on a new project? Digging into some research? Become obsessed with the new recipe or moment in history or art? We would love to know what's on your heart and mind now that the book is out in the world
Lorraine Carey
@LaLa575 · 0:15
I definitely have heard of Colleen, and this is a genre that I am passionate about, and I am going to definitely check out her books. Great interview. Thank you