Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 2:05

Women, Writing, Weed & Wine with Hannah Eko

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So along with the newsletter, Hannah also is the founder of the Women Writing Weed and Wine Workshop series which it's a really intimate monthly writing workshop and event series for lovers of words and weed. Every workshop, writers, artists, creative folks gather together to make space for their art, experiment with their creativity and cannabis, discuss books along with other deep readers and share different inspiration, advice. Pretty much just enjoy the support of community

#writingadvice #askafailure #writingcommunity #authorinterview #cannabis https://s.swell.life/STQ1OUHi7cTGJfS

Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:33

Your writing story

So I'd love to begin by hearing a little bit about your story as a creative being, and maybe specifically with the focus on writing. When and how did you know you were a writer? And how have you continued over the course of your adult life and there's the responsibilities that come along with all of that. How have you continued to make space for that deeply creative soul and meeting the needs of your creativity?
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:48

WWWW past, present, future

But I would love to hear a little bit more about how this workshop series got started and what you've learned from it so far and what you are hoping for it as the year comes to a close and we are headed into your brand new year
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:30

The Honeyknife community 🍯🔪

Lastly, if folks want to try out the workshop or maybe learn more about what you have to offer and how to keep in touch with you, what's the best way for them to learn more or ask you questions? And also, what can they look forward to when it comes to the upcoming workshops and other offerings you'll be having in this next dear? If they'd like to connect and work with you and be part of your honey knife community
Hannah Eko
@HannahEko · 3:49


But I think because I was in such environments that were kind of hostile to art making military school and being the Coast Guard for so many years, it's just not a place for art and art talk, unfortunately, I think that actually made me hold it even more dear to me and that actually kept the passion going. So when I left the coast guard and I went to pursue my MFA, I think I just already had that passion. Like I am never letting this go
Hannah Eko
@HannahEko · 4:11


And actually, as this series workshop has moved along, there are times that I kind of regret giving it that name because it's a tongue twister. So people often get it, they mix it up, or you can tell that they have to really pause. But then there's a way that I kind of love it because it really compels you to slow down and say it right. Like, you really have to think about women writing weed. Wine, hannah wine
Hannah Eko
@HannahEko · 3:58


Women, women, women writing weed, wine. Hannah can also, of course, follow me on Instagram because that's where I spend way too much of my time. But we are lessening that. We're moving with intention. But Instagram is like my little playground, and that's at Hannah. Hannah Echo. Yes. So that's what I am on, as Instagram as is there. What am I saying? That is my profile on Instagram
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 1:43

@HannahEko https://s.swell.life/STUopLrJ8mHw3ix

Hannah, thank you so much for sharing more about your story as a creative and writer and teacher and all the things, it all made me smile and laugh to hear more, especially the details of you as a kid and also kind of how the idea of this all came to. I'm so fascinated by the creative process and I'm so excited to join you all in one of the sessions since I know there's so much respect and openness to that and so I'm really looking forward to joining
article image placeholderWomen, Writing, Weed & Wine 2022
Talia Rodriguez JD
@Latinaherstory · 0:20
This is literally so cool. I love your page. I write about Latina women in New York, in Central and western New York, in Buffalo, near Canada, and, like, I just love the energy that you're bringing. I love the photo. And I'm learning about amazing other women through you
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Hannah Eko
@HannahEko · 0:46


Hey, Talia, thank you so much for replying to the I think it was the woman writing wheat and wine recording I did a while ago. So thank you for that. It's so interesting, your subject matter. I would love to know where to check out your work and yeah, I'm sorry I sound like, so scary added, but, yeah, I would love to check out your work and what you're writing through. So, yeah, let me know when you have time