What does it look like from that perspective? As a mom, I guess you can look at this in three areas, personal, professional and cultural in terms of your perspective of the world. But just riff on it. You've got five minutes. Swells. You can leave me a multiple amount of swells. It doesn't matter. I just want to hear your voice speak into this concept of perfection, so I appreciate your perspective and sending you lots of love

Thank you 🙏

melanie mayron
@melaniemayron · 4:53

Melanie’s answer about perfection at least with regard to work.

I had an interest in that because my 35 millimeter camera was the same lenses that the big 35 millimeter Panama cameras used. And so I was interested in photography. I was taking actors headshots for extra money in between acting jobs and whenever I was on a movie. I would stick by the camera people and always ask questions and hang out. So that was an amazing thrill for me. So I think my parents had a tremendous work ethic. My father was a pharmaceutical chemist
melanie mayron
@melaniemayron · 4:27

Being perfect in directing and then parenting. Thoughts about it anyway.

And I always make shot lists, and I try to have maps of my blocking or floor plans. I always try to come super prepared. A lot of directors don't do that, but I always do because I just want to do as good a job as I can. And I guess that comes from my parents, too