I don't want to plant any assumption seeds, but that's a great, interesting, fertile space to talk about and also perfection in the context of the larger industry as a whole and society. So just wax as poetic as you'd like to, you can leave as many swells as you want, and you probably break them up from personal to professional, a culture or whatever you want. Anyway, I'm just fascinated by how your mind works and how open your heart is

Thank you!

But wanting to do everything perfect for this little new life was so unbelievably overwhelming that it literally shut down my brain. Now she's six years old. She's playing right next to me. She's the funniest thing that I've ever met. Perfectly healthy and lovely. She's extra healthy. She just chimed in. She's extra healthy. We are perfectly imperfect together every day. And, of course, sure. Of course, I judge myself with my mothering
There's so much going on over here you don't even know. But that's okay, because that's the quarantine, and that's life. There are no boundaries, and people all do their own thing at the wrong times. Abby just goes, what's a boundary? That was hilarious. I'll teach you about boundaries later, kid