Because when you forgive, you release that energy, that negativity which is there inside your mind and your soul and everything. And when you actually decide that you don't need this negativity anymore, honestly, you become a new version of yourself. This is my first podcast. All I want is your support. Let me know and I would continue and ratching you guys. Thank you. Love you guys

#forgive #happy #livelife

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 2:00
A mind which is not constantly at war with itself or with all that happened, but a mind which is at rest knowing that, yes, things have happened, but I have the power to overcome all of that. I have the power to see through and see past all of that in order to move past it all. So, yes, it is indeed one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. And again, it's not easy at all