For example, there was a child in my relative when I observed him, I saw that if one toy is given to him and been taken away, then he will find something else to entertain himself. If that is also taken away. The next so many, many options are there. Similarly, in life, this platform is very good

Life, positive attitude

Ramya V
@Ramya · 2:15
And then we also have the extremes toxic optimism and fatalistic pessimism, if I may say so, and we all know that both can be quite bad in extremes. So personally, I've been trying to hit that sweet spot between the two, sometimes choosing to look at a situation in a hopeful, confident sort of way and at other times carefully weighing out all possible outcomes and trying to analyze my self doubt and anxiety into actions that have often helped me handle difficult situations in life
Abhi Shukla
@BAATEIN14 · 5:00

Approach towards life

Every incident, every incident, whatever is happening may not be positive completely, but by Positivity here I would mean to accept that negativity and be positive in that negative environment or circumstances which are around you in a particular span of time. Recently I have gone through a big personal loss of mine. But from my own experience I would say that this the effect of positive attitude that's still hope is there hope is there that this is not the end and this is life. It will keep on moving
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Abhi Shukla
@BAATEIN14 · 5:00

Approach towards life ....continuedd

If it is not getting possible, then it's better to stay away from those people because as it is said, whatever you feel, whatever you think, eventually it happens like that. And I can say because I have observed that and once your mindset is prepared to think positive, as I said, that half glass has been seen full always. It will be like that until then, unless the negativity becomes more powerful which we should not allow, acceptance should be there. Counseling should be there
Abhi Shukla
@BAATEIN14 · 3:52

Approach towards life....the path

Are we trying to help each other? So many NGOs are working nowadays worldwide. So it's very important to observe the positive thing, the good things which are happening around you. It's not always important to look towards the negative things or the yes, it is there. And it is reality as we discussed before. Also that if it is there, we have to accept that unwillingly. But we have to accept that that power, that strength will be given by the positivity