Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 4:50

We Should Have Listened To The Evans Family

He would claim he had covet it would help him avoid all the scandals that were happening. And then suddenly he would rise like a champion, be stronger than ever to his base. And then on the flip side, we have Claudia Conway, daughter of Kellyanne Gerbils. She's out there telling everybody that behind the scenes, they know he's not doing well, that they're juicing him up, that they're doing everything they can to stabilize him

Trump, Covid, Claudia Conway, Regal Cinemas

Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 2:16
But, yeah, the recovery from it, Joe. You're right. The recovery from it is just like, wow, either you're fully recovered or you're just not giving a f*** and you're just going to infect as many people as you can on the way out. I don't know
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 2:30
And now he will have energized those net Wits out there on the street that want to fight about having to wear a mask, to walk into a place or be inside of a restaurant or whatever. That's going to just get exponentially worse now because of him. That's why I say complete peace. The ship
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Missy 302
@Missy302 · 2:33
Good morning. I totally agree with you. And I've been going back and forth with this, too. Part of me thinks. And I thought this on Friday that this was just a stunt for, you know, sympathy and publicity and to get out of the debates and everything. And then we did the whole medevac on Air Force One or the helicopter or whatever to the hospital, blah, blah. So then I thought, well, maybe he does have it right
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 0:19
I got a question. Please. Somebody answer this. Who is more responsible, Donald Trump or the people stupid enough to listen to him? You
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 2:22
Now, if that's true, I want you to really think about how absolutely deranged this f***** has to be if he's having breathing difficulties. If he did insist to go back to the White House against everyone's orders, all doctor's recommendations saying no, but he's the President. So you can't tell him no
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 2:34
But look at this dumpy son of a b**** with his stupid hair, his inability to speak one single coherent sentence without a very and a many, many like, he's an elementary school student trying to write a g****** essay paper with a minimum word requirement. And so I don't get it
Missy 302
@Missy302 · 1:50
Oh, my God. I'm still laughing at the bankruptcy casino. It's like legal theft. Very, very good point. Good question. Empty. I would have to agree with Joe on that one. I would say the followers. And I think that the point that you made is what he's doing is just verbalizing or making it okay for them to express these horrible racist feelings or these just ridiculous beliefs that they're entitled. He's basically giving them permission
Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:15
I don't think it was, but Kellyanne Conway, her husband, George Conway, is one of the founders of the Lincoln Project, who you guys don't know who that is or what that is. They are a group that are actively trying very hard to make sure that President Trump does not get reelected. So you have Kellyanne Conway, who's basically Trump's henchmen, right. And then you have her married to his archnemesis, basically, to some extent, at least
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 2:29
But, Howie, the h*** could you not talk about that? You're running this the biggest organization that is fighting back against Trump. They're doing the real damage. I mean, if you didn't see that video they put out last night of Trump gasping for air with Dunkin'cheeks. I am barely breathing. It was hilarious. They know how to hit the load of belt because they're Republicans. Democrats never know how to do that, right?
Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 4:52
Well, it's nothing to be afraid of. We have all the medical technology, Joe. You hit the nail on the head. I mean, excuse me. We a lot of us can't even get to a freaking hospital, let alone have access to care, let alone anything else. And then you get freaking drugs that have not even been FDA approved. Yeah, we have a lot of great drugs. Yeah, whatever
Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 0:06
Joe, you have Tomorrow's Headlines, the Morning Cafe, The Incoherent blend
Howie Rubin
@Howie · 0:14


Hi, average Joe. I've got a great big smile on my face when I think about George and Kellyanne and Boy, wouldn't I like to be able to put a camera in their bedroom one night and listen to the conversation