Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 4:32

White People: The Mayonaise of America?

What are your daily interactions like with white people? And what is your impression of us? What do you think goes through white people's heads? What do you think it's like to be a white person? And before you start, I season my food. All right, let's get that out of the way. I like spice I like hot sauce, right? I never put raisins and potatoes out. I don't even eat potato salad because I don't like mayonnaise. All right?

White People, POC, Black People, Mayonaise

Shani Banshee
@shanibanshee · 5:00

The myth of the monolith and the us vs the other mentality

That's what resonates for them and anybody other from that is potentially taking away their power, not really looking at the nuances of what is happening systemically within white class structures. So I think that in particular is something that really stands out to me
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 3:41
And we realized that this group that has just taken hold in our nation have successfully commandeered the American flag, and that maybe speaks to the weakness of potentially people on the left who let it happen. Now, I also know that there's a sentiment that for many people, people of color, that that flag didn't necessarily mean the same thing that it meant to a lot of other people in the nation
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Daniel Hastings
@dlhastings · 2:17

Yes, absolutely. #flag #patriotism

I saw it starting when we went into Iraq, and there was this whole thing about patriotism. And if you weren't supporting the war in Iraq and the invasion of Iraq, that you are not patriotic, and that spread very quickly to the flag being a symbol of that through a lot of things in pop culture, including music, country music. Specifically, there were certain country music artists, pop artists at the time that were doing all this American stuff
Leena Barbori
@blovleeanyway31 · 0:03
Black People, The Chocolate of America
Larissa Ach
@pdiddy · 5:00
So I absolutely have to say that I like this type of question. This is a common question I get or I hear most places. I've actually got this from a teacher in one of my classes before. But first off, I want to say I'm from Canada, so I'm not fully America American, but I'm just going to say I'm all the North American. So personally, I am Chinese, and I've lived here my entire life