Kim Soliz
@apianogirl · 2:00

#Thankyou | Thank a friend for being there for you...

I was able to introduce her to my son's fiance, my daughter in law to be, and their newborn baby, who is six weeks old. And it is if we hadn't ever had any time pass between us, we automatically started talking to each other as if no time had passed between us. We often talk about getting together, but due to her family life situation and our own, that we haven't really had time for each other

#sppthankyou3 #thankyou @wordsmith #gratitude

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:43
Friendship is, like, so important. I also have friends that I'm thinking about that I couldn't do it. I couldn't do this life without them. And it's wonderful to take a moment and appreciate it. So thank you so much for sharing