
Tasha Frank



Mental health advocate and writer. I write about the human experience with a particular interest in lgbtqia+. Pronouns they/them. Star Wars is life🌟

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 1:27
The good ol nature/nurture debate regarding gender and sexuality

#naturenuture #LGBTQIA

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 3:54
Are we normalising transphobia?

#transphobia #LGBTQIA #genderequality

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 3:55
Innapropriate questions towards lgbtqia - an open discussion


Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 3:55
Getting pronouns right - let's talk about it
Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 3:58
You Me Her - my love/hate relationship with this show

#youmeher #LGBTQIA #polyamory #bisexuality

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 4:48
Why are people on lgbtqia community more likely to struggle with their mental health?

#mentalhealthawareness #LGBTQIA #mentalwellbeing https://s.swell.life/SSjpiXybQwyHuXk

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 4:09
A little rant about this article, 'Learning about transgender is making our children hate their bodies'

#LGBTQIA #transgender #nonbinary

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 4:07
Some facts of legal milestones for Lgbtqia community, and why we still have a long way to true equality


Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 3:04
The US borders are opening!?

#LGBTQIA #relationships #longdistance

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 4:20
The term queer, a brief history

#LGBTQIA #queer

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 3:27
Let's talk about Asexual

#asexual #LGBTQIA #acespectrum

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 3:47
Let's talk about the term 'sexuality'

#LGBTQIA #relationships #sexuality

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 2:45
Why are same sex relationships treated as if the couple are just making a statement?

#LGBTQIA #relationships

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 3:39
Bell v Tavistock appeal ruling - great outcome for young people's access to hormone treatments


Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 3:55
Reviewing 'Feel Good' available on Netflix

#maemartin #feelgood #LGBTQIA

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 3:32
How do you feel about sharing pronouns? An open discussion

#LGBTQIA #Pronouns #enby

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 5:00
Let's talk about cancel culture - an open discussion

#LGBTQIA #cancelculture #boycott

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 4:13
What does being an Ally really mean?

#LGBTQIA #lgbtqally #ally

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 2:40
Is gender/sexuality rigid or can it be fluid? Thoughts?

#LGBTQIA #gender #sexuality

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 4:45
My child wants to talk Lgbtqia topics! What do I do?

#LGBTQIA #parenting #lgbtqiaeducation

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 5:00
Immigration and my fears of being queer in the US

#LGBTQIA #immigration #longdistance

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 3:32
How are you all today? Lockdown loneliness is tough, checking in with you all

#LGBTQIA #lockdown #mentalwellbeing

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 4:05
Let's talk gender labels

#gender #lgbtq #labels

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 3:14
Book review - Can Everyone Please Calm Down? A guide to 21st century sexuality by Mae Martin

#LGBTQIA #bookreview #books

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