Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:06

#TalkTo Mitakshara Shirgaonkar about how Tarot reading can help with professional growth.

I am very excited to welcome Mitakshara Shirgaonkar, consultant, corporate trainer, coach and Tarot Reader to talk about how Tarot reading has influenced her journey as a corporate trainer and coach and how she connects the dots, really in terms of being able to offer her clients more insights into their true selves and helping them on their growth journey. Do join in to #TalkTo Mitakshara.

#Tarotreading #professionalgrowth #TalkTo

Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 0:17

How can Tarot, NLP and Management principles work together to benefit clients?

Most of us are familiar with traditional coaching methods, but you mentioned that you combine Tarot neurolinguistic programming, which is NLP and management principles, in your coaching. Can you explain how these modalities work together to benefit your clients?
Mitakshara Shirgaonkar
@Mitakshara · 4:20


Furthermore, with the use of Tarot and NLP, we can decode their profiles through the life path numbers, their present phases of life, and the different neurological levels. Here is where when the practicality of management sciences, when brought in, understanding their real life challenges and then finding specific solutions that are most suitable for them, becomes much easier
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 0:14

Applying Tarot in a professional context

Tarot, as we commonly see, is often associated with divination and spirituality. How do you use Tarot in a practical and professional context to help working professionals and business owners?
Mitakshara Shirgaonkar
@Mitakshara · 4:28


Now, if you're looking at an organization as a whole, certain situations can also be depicted using the Tarot cards. For example, an organization may be extremely rigid because of the processes and due to which the people feel trapped and cannot work in a productive manner. Or a company may be too bureaucratic due to which people are not able to exhibit their full potential leading to demotivation at the workplace. Multiple factors collectively contribute towards organizational culture
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 0:16

Real life examples

Can you share with us a few examples of some of the cases that you have handled? And I would like to with this welcome, swell listeners, to come on and talk to Mithakshara. Thank you so much for your time, Mitakshara
Mitakshara Shirgaonkar
@Mitakshara · 5:00


For him, the best approach was to get over the mental block as a phase was lucrative for him. Then if he was not able to take any decisions quickly, then time would run out. There are many such examples. Like people who are extremely dynamic and creative and like to move around also need to observe patience so that they can avoid burnout. Or business owners who are extremely nurturing need to have a balance between empathy and assertiveness for maintaining the overall health of their cash flows
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:31
Hi, Mitakshara. It's really great to know about you. I just wanted to know because I'm not much into this Tarot reading and all. I don't even know much about it. I just wanted to know is there any connection between Tarot reading and reading the mind of other person and is there any relation of Tarot reading with that of psychology? I wanted to know about this perspective. I hope you would answer my question. Thank you
Mitakshara Shirgaonkar
@Mitakshara · 3:46


And it is very helpful to make the tarot readings more powerful. So my tarot readings are a coaching session where we try to connect all these dots, some principles of occult, something of psychology, and there is a dialogue which happens with the querent. And there is where we can identify the root cause of the situation, try to get a clue of what is happening around or what is likely to happen around. So there is some predictions also there are some predictions which are also involved here
Kavya .
@Kavya13 · 0:53
Hello, Mitakshara, and it's really pleasure for me to know about this Tarot read. Tarot card reading. I don't know about much, but I have some clue. Like Tarot readings are often used for gaining insights and guidance and through this informative well, I get to know more about the Tarot card reading. So thank you so much for this. So I want to ask what would be the best approach to achieving goals and how one should be mindful of health and well being?
Mitakshara Shirgaonkar
@Mitakshara · 4:17


Now, while we are achieving these goals, I always tell all my listeners, all my participants in my workshops, that we need to do something called the balancing act. That is, look at what resources you have, which will help you to achieve those goals. And what are the constraints, what are the challenges that you are facing which will create hurdles in your process. Now, what happens is, let's say there are two people who have exactly the same goal, okay?