Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 0:42

#Menopause | How I deal with mood swings...

Well, hello. Swell. How I deal with mood swings, I think I constantly keep reminding myself that this is a phase and I need to get through this and also to not make any decisions when I am in that frame of mind. To always pause, take a deep breath, and calm myself, try to be centered. And I think the meditation that I do day in, day out, without fail, I'm very, very consistent with my yoga and meditation practices

#sppmp1 @wordsmith #menopause

Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 2:17
Hi, Shrija, thank you so much here for sharing this experience of yours. And I so agree with you that it's very important for us to be very, very consistent with our physical exercises regimen, whether we are doing yoga, meditation or any form of exercise. That's really important because it's going to bring our body at a state of relaxation and it has a calming effect on our mind. That's very important
Nupur Upadhyaya
@Nupz33 · 1:49
Not sure I qualify to speak on this topic because I don't have menopause, because I'm still in my twenties and I still have my menses. But to deal with the mood swings, I'd say cold water works best. Not too cold, like ice cold, but like decently enough. I don't know how the people in America actually drink that cold water. They don't have anything else called normal. But I'm just talking about like ordinarily cold water