Know Thyself Part II: Stripped Naked

And that can be pretty detrimental if you're on a healing journey to be pulled farther away from whom you really are. And yet when we're on a healing journey, it tends to be when we're most likely to kind of fall into these labels and these senses of community in this way. So I'll talk about that next time. In the meantime, I would love to hear what you have to say about labels and are they helpful?

#labels #identity #searchforself #knowthyself

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 2:46
Yeah, of course the labels have their benefits and their time in place, but I think maybe they've got us in a certain chokehold, especially I'm not American, but I but I have been surrounded by American culture since I was a kid and and I studied in New York for five years. And specifically in American culture, labels are they're big. They're big right now


Where labels were a way to find our community before now it's just this way to ever further pigeonhole ourselves into these like, little micro verbs that is not at all encompassing of who we are, like who we actually are. It's like these ideas of who we are. And I had shared this concept on Instagram and a post