Surya V
@welcome28 · 5:00

TRUST what is trusting others ?

When someone trusts and entrusts you with his business, undoubtedly your responsibility will be more, right? Further, if he has solely retained or relied on your words and pumping huge money for you to run the business, your responsibility grows even more. It's huge. It's not your money, it's someone's hard work. If you splash and mismanage, you would not only lose his trust, but in real life, you would have lost something more valuable called friendship

What is trusting ? #trust #life #english #podcasting #joy #storytelling #thinkdeep

Kavya .
@Kavya13 · 1:27
Trust is a fundamental aspect of any relationship and whether it's with our friend family or with our partners it really serves as a foundation upon which relationships are built, nurtured and step list when individual consistently show reliability in their words and actions. And the most crucial component of trust honesty. One open and one open and transparent communication and even when it's difficult, helps establish a trust and relationships. It's not built overnight, but rather through a consistent behavior over time
Surya V
@welcome28 · 0:08


Hi, Savior. That's nice. Nice viewpoint. I really like it. Thank you