#MyProfile | The Official Juss Me

You. Greetings, all. I am the official. Just me. Born and raised in Southeast Washington DC. An alumnus of Frank W. Balloon Senior High School class of 92. I am married and me and my beautiful bountiful bride now reside in the Lone Star State. You'll find out more about me as we flow. Now let's go

Welcome to The Vortex Podcast <MicroVersion> #podcaster #reality #real #audiophile #letsgo #content #podcasting #mindset #nofilter #speak #sot

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:28


What's up? Just me. That's a pretty epic introduction. Can't wait to hear a little bit more about you, your life, what lights you up and why you're here, what you got to share with us. That's all. Perfect intro conversations if you needed any, but something tells me you don't. Looking forward to hearing more about your life now in Lone Star State. I lived there for about a decade