Paul Vato
@Vato · 2:40

Paul Vato Presents: ¡MADDIE JACKSON Spanish Language Content Creator & Artist! LIVE Video Podcast Recording TONIGHT.

Her content revolves around celebrating Hispanic culture and the Spanish language. She draws parallels with the local culture here in the United States. She also teaches tips and tricks for English and Spanish learners on her channel. It is her mission to promote cultural awareness and captivate audiences through entertaining storytelling, through sharing her own experiences living abroad and with Hispanic cultures, fueling her creative fires her love for language, art and traveling the world

Hosted by Paul Vato 6/14/23 8:30pm PST. #videopodcast #podcast #live #spanish #contentcreator #artist #actor #improvisor #espanol

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:56
Hey, welcome to swell. Yeah, you're using it absolutely right. And I love what you do. This is super interesting and super up my alley. As a bilingual person who has lived in the US. As well, super cool. I will say Swell works the best when you're engaging with other people
Paul Vato
@Vato · 2:30

@rocio Thank you for the kind welcome & wonderful suggestions.

So thank you, and I hope that you get a chance to check out my podcast, if you're so inclined. If you go to from there, you can find all of my social media as well as links to my podcast on all platforms. But thank you. It's good to know that. And, yeah, you know what? I will try to get some of my friends on here, and I can always do an interview, because it's great