@Vanshaj · 1:06


There will be many people who will come and go in your life and will also be there till you are useful to them. But the ones who stay not only in your happy or joyful moments, but also in your heart art or rough times are difficult whenever you are depressed or in any problematic situation they are the ones who act as a shield towards your problems. They are the ones who boost you up. They are the ones who motivate you. Life is meaningless without a best friend

#collagevoiceindia #sayitonswell #bestfriend #friendship #truefriend #friendsforever #life #bestlife #besttime

Aditya Shakya
@adityashakya · 0:09
Hey, bro, the way you presented was very nice. And the way you presented was awesome. Keep uploading, keep growing. Berflake
Gautam Rawat
@Gautam_rawat · 0:14


Best friend, in my view is a friend who knows her all sides and emotions and who helps us, helps us in every situation and
Kritika Saraf
@ksaraf1312 · 0:12


For me. Best friend means he stays forever with us and understands each other. Understanding is very important