#AskAnExpert I am a true Anatomy Nerd 🤓 #RebelWellness

So what I'd like to share with you for ask an expert here in Swell is tell me, where are you experiencing muscular discomfort? Then what could this pain be coming from? And then I'm going to tell you in response what areas that you need to start stretching and or foam roll. Deal? Hit reply and share with me below

Tell me: Where are you experiencing muscular discomfort? What could this pain be coming from? I'll tell you: What areas to stretch or Foam roll!

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:59


But I'm wondering, like, there's so many ways to relieve the compression of the neck, and I do have a little arthritis in my C, something I don't even pay attention anymore. But what are the best things to do for the neck? Stiffness. That leads to the trap trapezius becoming really stiff, and then that leads sometimes to mid back spasms. I mean, I've had the worst, but it's all from my neck. So neck hygiene. That's my question

@DBPardes Neck Hygiene Pt. 1: Where the tension is coming from and a simple stretch out your pecs.

And what they're trying to constantly do, which is why you start feeling pain and discomfort in those areas, is that they're trying to pull you back into alignment. Where we should be upright, our spine should be nice and lengthened. So I hope that that helps. So how to support yourself? I always suggest stretching and foam roll. So for the neck, I believe the tightness goes even a little bit more down the body to the side ribs

@DBPardes Neck Hygiene Pt. 2. Gentle neck stretch and Foam Roller playlist: https://s.swell.life/STc63MvczRlOi5P

But if you're paying attention, you can feel the back of your skull kind of open up a little bit and lift, and sometimes it feels a little bit tight dollars. So I hope that that's helpful. Let me know if you have any questions. I've tried to be as detailed as I could over audio, so I hope that was helpful and let me know if I can be any clearer. Thank you
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:31


So I'm almost tempted to come back to this and say what I'm feeling like later on, even tonight, because I think that is such an extraordinary iterative process when you start training your body, that you said to your body, okay, I'm going to give you this gift, I'm going to be here doing this. I think it's also an extraordinary thing to start getting used to this. So thank you so much and I'll probably come back here. Thanks
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:10

@vanessaragains DRY EYES!!! https://s.swell.life/STcYuoF7IaCsBPp

Another body part I want to ask you about is dry eyes. The eyes. 30% of women experience dry eyes, especially in their later midlife years. I've had very dry eyes for the past two years, and I've been to an ophthalmologist and drops, drops, drops. Of course, you use the ones that don't have preservatives
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 2:15
But I want to be able to go back and do my job the way I was doing it before. So can you help me out? Lower back is a problem, a real problem. Thank you very much. Let


So I just clarifying that I really want to have you focus primarily on deep stretching, and we have to stretch our muscle tissue. And I know in PT you might be doing some stretching, but I know from experience with my certain clients that you absolutely have to keep your body stretched every single day. So there are props that you can use to support your stretching. I am a huge fan of yoga. I am certified in three different styles


But if it is a delay, that is the reason why and I will get back to you. This is something I would love to look into. And I have a couple of herb books with me down here, so I will see what I can find and get back to you. Excellent question, and as you keep finding them, please send them my way. I will be checking in with Swell the next couple of weeks. Thank you
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:07


Oh, you're so wonderful. Love to mom. And thank you so much. I really look forward to learning. Thank you
Faith Feuer
@Happytraingirl1 · 1:05
So what I've been trying to do is lay flat on my back when I sleep and have my head on my pillow and just kind of try to stay in that position and just stay still as much as I can and not bend my neck or curve it in any way
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

@Happytraingirl1, what is your post-run routine? Here are some tools + suggestions! Click on Rebel Resources button 👉 🔗vanessaragains.com/links

So I kind of want to start there with the runs because the runs could be causing some of that tension that could ripple up the body and depending on posture and other things that I'd like to ask, I would like to start with supporting you with these runs. So my first question is, do you have a foam roll? If you do have a foam roll, how often are you using it?
Faith Feuer
@Happytraingirl1 · 2:01
So at some points, I do grind my teeth, and that creates a tight jaw, and I can feel that. So, yeah, absolutely. For the jaw and then feet, my feet are an absolute mess. It's my left foot more than my right. So I'm kind of thinking that I probably favor my left foot, and that does more of the pounding