Alternate props for your #Asana #Yoga Practice - a clever message!

To support your practice, use a large book like a dictionary or an atlas. Next, what to wear has nothing to do with fashion, I say wear anything you can move comfortably in. By the way, I teach yoga classes for free every Wednesday to give back to my community. 30 minutes classes, yin hatha and a combo. I'm committed to helping my community grow. If I can answer any questions about prepping for class, please share with me below in the chat

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Vanessa Ragains (they/them)
@vanessaragains · 1:14

What is your favorite #Asana #Yoga Prop to use in your practice?

I always end with Shavasana, where we can prop our knees up using the Yoga Bolster. And I love the yoga bolster that I have. It's very firm, and I feel completely cradled when I am in Shavasana at the end of my practice. Again, let me know what your favorite asana yoga prop is to use in your practice. P. S you can see my Yoga bolster and my orange foam roller in the picture that I shared for this question
Vanessa Ragains (they/them)
@vanessaragains · 1:15

Have you used any of these alternate #Asana #Yoga props before?

You. Here are some more alternate Asana yoga props for you to consider. I have strap alternatives, block alternatives, and bolster alternatives. So if you click on the photo, you can follow along with me. Here are some additional prop ideas for the strap you could use and borrow your dog's leash and or a resistance band. But please be cautious of any of the snapback those resistance bands have. You can also use a belt