Accessing body intelligence through movement and creative arts to heal trauma

Hi, this is Vishali. So I wanted to talk about the creative art, like dance, drama, art, creative writing, dance and movement. So maybe that's types of exercise, et cetera, can actually help us to access intelligence that's stored in our bodies. And once we do this and we become present to it, it can actually help us to heal trauma and memories that we had forgotten or that our mind won't let us remember because it's unsafe

#movement #creativearts #dance #drama #body #trauma #feelgood

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:06

#bodyimage #dance @holly

Basically, thank you so much for this Swell. It's so intimate and provocative in terms of me being able to drop right into what you were talking about so quickly. While I was listening to you, I shared it with three people I know on Swell that would really appreciate this conversation. One is a woman who's a profoundly talented choreographer who works with students right now and has an incredible troupe and is so compelling to speak with around this topic
I thought those
@ThoughtsByMe · 2:23

#selfimprovement #arthealing #creativity #creativeexpression

And when I look back at it now, I realized that was probably because, as you said, I had a few experiences in my past which were making me feel a certain way towards that team. And I was kind of bringing it all out through this writing of mine. But, yeah, thinking about it and making conscious choices to steer clear of it actually help me in my writing process
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

@SVJ · 1:09

#equanimity #creativeexpression #perception

We will continue to learn more about ourselves as the art form becomes an integral part of our life. I found this as a student through theater. We used to do a lot of kids in plays which challenged me in many ways and also helped me over overcome my inhibitions about perception and stage fear. Very introspective conversation. Thank you for this
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 4:04

@vaish80 thank you #anxiety #panicattacks #ptsd #gestalttherapy #healing

So I'm so excited that you introduced this idea of dance as another thing to explore. And if you have any additional thoughts about how to begin exploring that, I would love to hear it. So thank you so much for this conversation
julian billups
@theblackghost · 2:51

And my design plan is this similar to exactly what you are inspiring me to what I was already inspired by, which is interesting to learn a little bit more. I'm interested. I'd like to send over kind of my blueprints and just kind of get a peer review, see where your mind is at the same thing, different space, but creating for the environment. So ultimately, I work in environmental design. But, yeah, I'm here. I'm new to this
Vaishali Patel
@vaishali_tedx · 1:45


But I think that I really got the deeper value of creativity last year when I got bored, when I was really bored during a pandemic and my creativity just came out. And I started sharing my poems on Facebook and created like this TEDx master classes and created volunteering on an empowerment program in India to empower teachers. Creativity is wonderful. And it's interesting that people would say, Why are you doing that? There's no money in something