VanGogh’s ear and Paul Gauguin

Carefully reexamining the witness accounts and letters written by both artists came to the conclusion that Van Gogh was terribly upset over Gogon and his plans to go to Paris after the two men had spent an unhappy stay together. At the Yellow House in Arlos, South France, which had been set up as a studio for the both of them in the southern part of the country. On the evening of December the 23rd, 1888, vincent van Gogh was seized by an attack of metabolic disease

#vangogh #gauguin #severedear #dutchpainters #prostitute #bordello #germany #pactofsilence #paris #arles #metabolicdisease #theovangogh #starrynight

Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 0:53
And just being so confused and being very curious, also wanting to know what it is that could drive someone to that point. But anyhow, thank you for sharing your deeper research and input. It's very interesting to gain new information that I otherwise wouldn't have sought out myself. So thanks
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:59

Can the legend or any legend be reframed?

Does that happen a lot or never at all? Because there's tons of information that comes out years later about certain things because it was not safe in the time. Time to talk about it. What are your thoughts about the possibility of this one, if it, in fact, is more accurate?
bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 1:47


Hi, Marley. Thank you for your comments. A couple of things. One of them is that Van Gogh himself suffered from lead poisoning. And specifically the lead poisoning was from the paint that he used, because oftentimes you see in movies or whatnot, where artists will put their brushes or the tips of their brushes in their mouth, which is one of the sources of the lead, lead based paint causing various problems
bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 2:44


The other part in relation to this is that it fed into the stigma of Van Gogh. Van Gogh was not mentally stable before he became an artist. If you know anything about his life at his background, he he had many different careers that he that he was that he did, including being a preacher at one point and not very successful
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:19


Hey, Bob, it's so interesting that you talked about people not wanting to know the truth, if they're firmly entrenched in what they want to believe or have been said for so long. I was just listening to another swell talking about AI and talking about the idea that AI can generate so much content at such a vast volume, that what it puts out can far outrun anything that might be more authentic or might be more human or might be more true
bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 2:25


But that's just the statement of its context itself, without other ramifications to it and how that can be promulgated into AI to be used to promote that same thought process, gaslighting or great lie and how people begin to believe it on an even greater basis. It's something that I've actually read quite a bit about recently, and it is something which is used quite predominantly in government structures, political structures. I'll just say it