Trevor Hammack
@tjh · 4:56

Should Schools Provide Opposing Views To The Holocaus?

So if you have a book on racism, I guess you have to have a book. So if you have a book that's opposed to racism, I guess you have to have a book that's pro racism. If you have a book that talks about how bad the Holocaus is, I guess you have to have a book saying how wonderful the Holocaus is. Has education just absolutely lost its mind? I've said so many times. Education policy. It's always this one idea fits everyone

#education #schools #news. Should schools be required to present opposing views to the Holocaust?

Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 2:23
But the repercussions of graduating uneducated people who cannot parse information from misinformation. And I think that this is going to be a few hundred years of evolution of society. And I don't know what the final outcome will be
Tim Ereneta
@Tim · 1:16

Forget it, Jake, it’s Texastown

So while you can think this policy and what happened in South Lake is egregious, and I agree, you can't blame the public education system. This is not a problem with education. This is a problem with one an administrator, two Texas, specifically, the legislatures in Texas, who have decided that ideological purity is more important than best practices in pedagogy in education
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:51
Religious, private schools, Christian, private schools. If I was to wager something specific, I think the school is responsible for teaching curriculum up to a certain point. And after that, it's really up to the child or the young man or young woman to pursue further education elsewhere. Was my school teaching much about Malcolm X? No, but I took it upon myself to find out about Malcolm X once I heard about Martin Luther King
Trevor Hammack
@tjh · 4:25

@Tim I am offended 😀

And I think, to be fair, we could pull up a lot of news articles about a lot of school districts doing a lot of crazy things, and we could talk a lot about the successes of the public school system and the failures of it. So I'm not completely against it. I don't tell people not to put place their children in a public school. I'm not that anti it. I just have my own personal feelings that go beyond the story
Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:46
It's one of the main reasons why I'm not a teacher anymore. I wanted to teach, and I wasn't allowed to teach because I had to check so many boxes that were useless boxes. But ultimately, Trevor, I think that's my answer here. I think this is coming from a place of antisemitism and hatred. I don't really think it has to do with true learning. The line needs to be drawn between fact and speculation. That's my answer
Tim Ereneta
@Tim · 3:04

You’re from Texas? OK, I’ll speak more slowly. 🤣🤣🤣. (Kidding. I kid.)

Do I think schools have the responsibility to teach the opposing view for every subject? And the answer is no. I do not believe that I don't believe there's should be taught an alternative to mathematics. I don't believe teaching kids how to read and write that you should teach an opposing perspective. Now, those are ridiculous examples. But clearly there's been a longstanding tradition in America of opposing the teaching of science in the classroom, specifically on the theory of evolution
Tim Ereneta
@Tim · 1:05

@FryedOreo a brief note about Malcolm X

But families don't talk about that was my mid twenties before I learned that that happened to my family anyway, just to point out that and anyone else is listening, what they think you should teach in Texas is not the same thing. They think you should teach in Berkeley