Alrighty…Pepsi or Coke? The great debate.

I think it's been, well, I know it's been over 20 years. The food is just that, good old fashioned diner food, but it is not greasy or anything and they've maintained the menu being pretty much the same for years. They make some changes here and there, but for the most part it's just good wholesome fare. Anyway, one of the things that I love so much about this restaurant is that they serve coke. I'm sorry, they serve Pepsi

#pepsi #coke #soda


Anyway, if they had Pepsi, it was like this amazing moment, and I was so excited, right? Anyway, I'm a dual citizen. I'm currently living in Canada. And I remember telling my brother that Pepsi tastes different between the two countries and it's a different experience here in Canada. And he didn't entirely either believe me or comprehend what I was trying to communicate. And when he came to visit, I remember him twisting the bottle open and then going to guzzle it down
A. L. Connor
@TheOriginalYaYa · 3:26

@SeekingPlumb correction soy is desth to thyroids not sinuses hahaha

The way it's processed in Asia is correct, but not here anyway. So for that reason, it's just sweeter here. And I've never loved it. I have a friend who's from the Czech Republic, and every time she would go home and come back, she would bring me chocolate and I would love it. When I went to the UK, I had chocolate. My ex boyfriend brought me chocolate and would send me chocolate and I loved it


Or in this particular case, like, the taste would be right up front. There's no question then what it is that's affecting your taste buds right from bite to bite. And so it would be interesting to have someone experience that, and I wonder if it would make any sort of impact. That said, very processed foods in the US, they're not going anywhere. But then again, if there was more awareness about it, maybe