Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 2:51

In a World Where Physical Beauty

In a world where physical beauty is capital, I find myself a pauper. All I have to my name is a sack of old, worn flesh, a smiling pile of defects unadorned my secret stay. Tucked between rolls of fat meant to stave off their hungry gaze and keep me safe from attacks I survived

Poetry by Arya read out loud contemplating beauty and its meanings. #poetry #desire #beauty #bodypositive #lipedema

Khalid Hanif
@theElvnth_Our · 1:19
Greetings. Wonderful. Brilliant. Beautiful Arya. I am fresh from listening to your latest offering here on the soap platform. And I must say that the piece is absolutely stunning. And it's stunning in its importance. It's deaf, sobering commentary. What you've conveyed is a liberatingly, courageous statement coupled with heroic clarity that sends our self perceptions to the proper, highest recognition. What we should be seeing in the fullness of our reflection. I celebrate this piece with deep reverence
Adenike Nana Esie
@nourishyou · 1:22
This is one of those pieces that just makes me love you even more. Just so honest and so raw, so unfiltered, you know? And it's is very brave. As a woman, I find, to say these things. And when you hear it, you know it is truth. It's our common experience. We are plagued by these feelings of not measuring up for whatever reason, real or perceived, every day
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 2:02

@theElvnth_Our thank you for such a considerate warm response.

And there are almost strict rules around what is and isn't beautiful. And yet, as human beings, we experience beauty in such profound ways that go beyond any describable, quote unquote rules. So thank you for noting that this was something that impacted you. I really appreciate that. And I think it's something that women experience especially. And so to be able to have that be heard by men, it's a really big deal. Anyway, thank you so much for your comment
Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 4:28

@nourishyou (warning: lil rant ahead … ye got me going)

And you can be with wrinkles and not any kind of physical perfection, but feel completely content in your own skin without having to measure up to anything or anyone's standards. And that's my hope for all women to be able to reach that point. Well, maybe it's wishful thinking, but it's a work in progress. Thank you for your comments