A Return to Love

So this piece was especially powerful to me because it really calls out that it serves no one. When we shrink into ourselves, it serves so much more in others to brightly be who we are. Because when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. When we are vulnerable, we give permission to others to be vulnerable. When we are loving, we give permission. When we are open, we give permission

A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles" by Marianne Williamson #mariannewilliamson #light #fear #dark #shadowwork

Vennie Kocsis
@VennieKocsis · 0:30
I love Marianne Williamson so much, and I really love that piece of writing. I haven't heard it in a while. And in such a beautiful synchronicity. You popped it into my feed today, and I really needed to hear it. So thank you so much for choosing that and reminding us all of who we really are. I appreciate you
Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 1:12


Mary Anne Williamson has some wonderful writing. She definitely has a nice body of work and some wonderful things to say. So agreed, Vinny, and thank you so much for replying and popping in and listening. And I'm so glad it was something unique needed in your feed. I love how there's these little synchronicities all the time, like we need something and we open that thought or that feeling to the ether, just kind of open it up and then it manifests

@theheartdrive (Thinking out loud, so not sure of point. 🤣)

When that reflection comes and it matches who I feel I am shaping and evolving myself or how I'm shaping and evolving myself, when that reflection matches, it's like, I don't know, there's some amazing there, right? I almost want to say that that's authenticity and who we want to be and who we are match up. And so when we can look at that from the internal and the external and those things become congruent, just wow
Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 4:58

@SeekingPlumb (i love how you inquire)

I feel like the practice of returning to the nature of oneself is constantly dwelling in the space of uncertainty. But it's not an uncertainty that is unable to define or discern what is a phenomena, what are attributes, what are the natures of connection. Rather, it's the space of uncertainty that touches right into the constant state of transition that we are in. Like that congruence


So to find that there's this underlying thinking of building on top of in a more linear way of growth it's funny, but anyway and the reason I'm highlighting this is because in order to say you've reached the next step or you've quote unquote grown then there has to be an identifying of the previous step, right? Or the previous state. And I think I was thinking of that as quote unquote certainty
Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 5:00

On growth…

It could be as simple as a conversation or bumping into a person or having some kind of experience or even just something I just thought of all by myself. Then comes a moment of confusion, a kind of an overwhelmed from all the different parallel thoughts and feelings and a lot of mental chatter, right? That negotiation internally still it doesn't really resolve that I feel bad. So then eventually, at some point I'm able to somewhat digest this event
Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 1:59


A quick addendum onto that, just to clarify. Even though there's no specific formula when I am going through this, you know, the daily discomforts, let's call them, I have a lot of choices in that process. Process and act of observation and staying present with myself through the many gradients of discomfort and discovery. I have choices about how I'm going to approach socializing the event to myself, how to socialize with myself in context with others


I have to say it's quite fascinating on this side because how you're able to pick out language and you know, the underpinnings there is usually something I'm doing when I'm listening to somebody else or they're speaking or I'm throwing questions back at them. And so it's not a complicated one thing to have it reversed. This is fun, although unsettling, I suppose only because it's not territory I'm used to being in. But I'm enjoying it
Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 5:00

@SeekingPlumb …and all these ideas that sound really great (hear me chuckle sardonically) - great convo

And by what I mean by emerge is literally that we have a certain amount of compounded conditioning that comes from our childhood that we may be self imposed, that maybe was imposed upon us. And the journey to discovering your nature is one of really unclothing yourself of a lot of conditioning