the comedy couch

And then they're going to join me on the couch tomorrow for a live discussion where you can chime in and tell us what you liked, what maybe didn't work for you. And we're going to have a lot of fun. Check out their Instagrams. Hold on to your seats because it's going to be a bumpy ride


ashley singleton
@ashleySingleton · 1:58

@TwoDopeMinutes #comedy #standupcomedy #comedian #funny #cats #pompousalbert

You might be wondering, why don't I use the cat to my advantage? And I have tried, but I have been told consistently by my mother that I am not on brand. I did. One time, however, go rogue and post a photo of me and the cat on Instagram and his fans went insane. People were furious at me. I had a lady DM me, and she was like, stop being a Fame w****
Isaac Chu
@isaacchu · 2:33

I hate love.

I hate emotions. They re so impractical and they smell bad. Have you ever smelled a bipolar person in the midst of a manic episode? Have it's not great, especially if you're anything like me. And you spent the last 24 hours in front of a keyboard eating fried chicken and telling nine year olds over the internet that their mothers are a horse. So imagine my surprise when this year I finally found out what it feels like to be in love
Courtney Davis
@CourtneyDavis · 2:01

Keeping the spark alive

So quarantine. It hasn't been great for my marriage. I have to say that the spark is gone. So I was trying to think of ways to keep the romance alive. And I was like, oh, how about a date night in maybe some candles? And my husband was like, how about a***? So that's how that's going? Clearly, we have the same ideas about romance. But then I thought about it, and I was like, you know what?
Doug Bass
@DougBass · 2:01

Comedian Doug Bass #comedy #dogwalking #bloatedpaulrudd #losangeles

Why not? Look, I love dogs, but it's an antisocial job. You just hang out with dogs all day. You forget how to interact with people, society. Sometimes I'll sit at a bar, someone comes up to me. They're like, hey, is this seat taken? I'm like, no, sit, stay. They go to grab some pretzels. I'm like, no, then I cave in
Chloe Detrick
@ChloeDetrick · 2:03

Zoom Calls and Dating and Quarantine

And I'm like, probably the guy that just said Hi because he seems way less annoying than you. So I don't understand why I haven't found love in Quarantine yet, but I know it's out there for me. I just got to keep going. All right. Thank you for having me