It’s 2023 already?!

Attention Kmart shoppers. Hi. Yeah, it's Theo. Thank you guys, as always for chiming in. I'm so grateful. I just looked at my followers and thank you so much for being there, you guys. I'm so glad you're liking what you're hearing and I love doing it. And this app, Swell, has made it just so easy, yet inclusive for so many people who kind of want to get over that hump. So I think it's really great

#2023 #2022 #happynewyear

Theo Seibold
@Thatoneweirdo · 3:29
And I love how it's done from a time standpoint, but I always also wanted to throw a little more tidbits in Theo. And one of the things and I mentioned in the first main recording for this was I was part of a podcast competition, america's Next Podcaster, and it was such a good time. I did. Okay, I didn't win
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:41


And I think one of the biggest challenges of the pandemic for a lot of people was Theo did a lot of stuff within the confines, literally, of their own world. And when you get to go out in the world again, you just have this renewed appreciation for serendipity and meeting people and having that vibe. But what's interesting about being here is listening to people and through conversation, I feel sometimes exported to some foreign space just because of the nature of the conversation