Taylor J
@Taylor · 4:01

Alcohol related deaths on the rise. How has your relationship with alcohol changed over the last several years?

It's even showing up at places where in the past alcohol was never allowed to be sold, like Disneyland. More and more people are drinking around me, I would say, because of maybe innovations in the field of alcohol. So hard seltzer being a really big one when I was in college that didn't exist

https://s.swell.life/SToLJNPKFdJ3Ghm #askswell

Professor Z
@Professor42 · 4:50
And again, there's no social aspect, so I haven't drank in a while. But in regards to your topic, I don't find it surprising. That is because of the reasons that you've also listed. There's so many more options now than there was when I guess you can say you and I were maybe in those phases. I'm not sure if you were in the same phase that I was, but like you mentioned, hard cider
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 4:29
And I should say that also countering with I never tolerated it really well. I am really petite. I'm under 5ft tall. I've always been really active and athletic, and I just never tolerated alcohol. And when I got to be around 40, I started noticing that I just wasn't bouncing back from a night of drinking. And sometimes it was even just one glass of wine. And I'm Italian. I used to like my Pinot Noir with dinner. One glass
Farika B Redux
@FarikaB_Redux · 4:51
I could definitely say alcohol consumption has changed for me over the years. I just turned 50 when I was in my twenty s and my 30s. Alcohol meant more to me for social reasons. It also meant a sense of freedom. And honestly, to be honestly speaking, it also was a form of therapy, right? Because you think about it, most times you drink alcohol to get through something, to talk about something, to get over something, to relate to something
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:52
What's the saying? I'm a cheap date, for sure. By the second drink I am done and alcohol is a depressant. It is truly that for me. Not that I get depressed, but I get so sleepy. And I know some people can drink it and they become animated and hyper and they have energy. Not me. Especially if it's a good drink. And my favorite go to drink is a Sidecar. If someone makes it right, because it's like a classic drink
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Seng Phengdouangdeth
@sengri_la · 4:41
It seemed to be almost an everyday thing, that there'd be a stop at the liquor store to buy a bottle of wine. And it wasn't just a normal size bottle. It was that double sized bottle. I don't know if that makes sense. You usually see it with brands like Gallo, I think. Anyway, at first I would indulge a little bit, too, and it was fun
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 2:37


What is so, like, there's certain events you go to that in order to get into, you have to spend a certain amount of money on alcohol. And if you're a non drinker or, like, let's just say you're an alcoholic and you're in recovery, I guess you wouldn't want to go to those events. But I don't know, what if you had to? What if there were certain events that you can get out of and there was some alcohol limit?
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:22


So whether we, our guest, drink upwards of $5,000 of alcohol at the cigar bar, it still has to be paid. Then Saturday, we don't have anything. Well, there are still activities on Saturday, but there was no minimum requirement that needed to be seng. And then on Sunday, the establishment where we're having the actual conference, there is a food and beverage minimum for that as well
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 2:06


I'm sure they're making their markup on that but that's no different than any restaurant these days, particularly post COVID. But if you think about it, there's probably few places in the country that are harder to be dry in than like it's arguable that Vegas would cease to exist if there was no alcohol because it's alcohol that drives people to stay in a casino at most likely, unless you're just addicted to gambling
Becky Butler
@bc75 · 2:40
No more phone calls to be had. It's no longer an option now that you've passed. I can't believe what took you from me. A drink. A single, isolated, solitary drink repeated countless times throughout the day. My truth is my truth, and my story plays out this way. No hiding or pretending. No one has issues in this crazy, amazing, awful and awe filled life
Harvey Pullings II
@The79thstreetkd · 3:39
Think about like being the dad that comes from a hard day of work and it used to be a pipe, a newspaper, then it became a can of know, sitting in my favorite chair watching a football game or whatever it is, and one can of beer turns to a six pack on a Friday night. So there's a familiarity in beer being a stress reliever, alcohol being a stress reliever
Anu Sham
@Anu_Budhrani · 0:38

#swell tips #say no to drunken driving

Good afternoon, Taylor. Sir, it is true that alcohol creates a lot of harm in many relationships and also accidents while driving. So it is a big no to alcohol when driving. And also it is healthy to have fruit juice instead of alcohol at parties. So say no to alcohol when making love. Also as it may cause harm to a relationship or it may break a relationship. Thank you. Thank you for the advice. It was nice listening to you. Keep talking