Intro Session | Testimonies…Truimphs… Truffles

Well, hello. Hello. This is really huh? I am Tamika Harold, and for my entire life, I've wanted to have intimate conversations with others about relationships, love, struggles, breakthroughs dreams, life. These intimate conversations, the moments spent in the presence of someone else who is also willing to lower walls and open their heart, fill me with such joy. It's one of many ways I choose to actively show love

#TamikaHarold #Brsve #Testimonies #Triumphs #Truffles #SoftPlaceToLand #LetsTalk

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:39

#travel #strength #motivation

I don't know, that's just kind of how I feel, which is pretty cool because who knows where you're going to take this, but you definitely set the tempo. So I'm going to give you a follow and I'm going to be paying close attention. And yeah, I'm here for it
Tamika Harold
@TamikaHarold · 0:46


You. This is such amazing feedback. Thank you so much. I appreciate the constructive feedback. I appreciate the kind words and this is really kind of a test of me, kind of launching the full podcast. And so your feedback is are really special. So I appreciate that. Thank you so much. And I am going to review yours and follow also. So thank you. I can't express it enough. This is very kind