Prose Poem "Wear The Red Dress" by Elizabeth Gade

Hi, it's Elizabeth Gaty. In celebration of National Poetry Month, I'm going to be sharing some poems this month. This poem is called Wear the Red dress. It's a prose poem first published by Brain Dump zine in their number one issue, color Psychology. This poem is also forthcoming in my second poetry collection, Shame Wrangler, which will release June 2024. Wear the red dress. Wear the red dress. Pack the brass knuckles into your purse slick on the red lipstick, double coat

#Feminist #poetry #nationalpoetrymonth #poem #humantraffickingsurvivor #domesticviolence #abuse #advocate #feministpoetry

Todd Heimbecker
@noarms · 0:25
Hi. What a great poem. I love poetry. So hope to hear many more poems from you. I joined swell back on March 18, so it's fairly new to me. I got three or four stories so far. Be doing some more coming this week. Anyway, I just. I'm starting to follow you now so I can hear some more. Your poetry. Take care. Have a great night. Bye, now