What advise would you give to your younger version?

Hey guys, I hope you're doing well. I was wondering that if I want to give an advice to my younger version, what would that be? I want to ask the same question to you. What advice would you give to your younger version? Well, if I want to give some advice then first would be we never judge people. It's not a good thing to judge people

#sayitonswell. #advise. #young. #inspiration


What I used to do was actually I'm in school and now I don't do this type of things. But yeah, when I was in 6th or 7th maybe, I used to compare myself with everyone. I used to compare the marks that who scored better than me, this type of things. And now I don't do this type of thing. And the third one is keep your g****** room clean. Get organized. Your room looks like a Dracular dungeon
@palak_2022 · 1:03


Hi there. So actually I just have one advice that I want to give to my younger self and that advice is just be confident in front of people. Just do whatever you want to. Just don't think about what that person is going to think. The way you were smiling or the way you are doing things. Just live every single moment of your life. Because when I was small like the younger me, I used to know we are very scared person, scared child