Ramya V
@Ramya · 1:03

A Conversation with Editor & Bestselling Author Stuti Gupta.

Her latest book, Vahana - Vehicles of the Gods, is a collection of 15 stories telling us how the gods got their Vahana or vehicles and several other interesting stories around shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Indra, among others, also are a part of this wonderful collection of stories. I'm delighted to have Stuti join us in this conversation around her book, her writing and her editing journey. Hello, Stuti. Thank you so much for being on Swell today

#AskAnAuthor #authorinterview #mythology #books #childrensbooks

Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:21

1. Why do you think it's important to introduce young readers to mythological stories?

I think I'll start with a question that I'm sure you've been asked several times before this, but here goes. What inspired you to write mythology books specifically targeted at children? And why do you believe it's important to introduce young readers to mythological stories?
Stuti Gupta
@author_stuti · 1:59

@Ramya Stories are a fine way to teach, without preaching. But it was my son who ensured I had good stories up my sleeve for him.

Why does he keep telling us this again and again? But when I became a parent myself and I started trying to find storybooks for my child, I felt there was a dearth of literature out there that I could use for young children to introduce them to the Hindu mythology
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:47

2. How can parents and educators inculcate a love for reading in young minds?

As an author, you understand the power of books and the joy of reading. But in today's world, where children are increasingly drawn to gadgets, many parents struggle to cultivate a love for reading in their kids. So how can parents, and even educators effectively encourage children to embrace reading and develop a love for books amidst all the distractions of technology?
Stuti Gupta
@author_stuti · 2:09

@Ramya I firmly believe in the power of stories. They can transform you magically. #storybooks #readinghabit #startearly

If you keep reaching them, telling them, beta, you should read books. Books are so good. They'll be like, no, they are not. Then why aren't you doing it? But if you tell them that you're reading books and you're really loving it, then they might just follow suit. They're usually copycats this, maybe try this. It might just work
Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:24

3. How can we convey moral lessons through stories without being overly preachy?

Oh. So back to a question around your books. Mythological stories, as is mostly the case, contain moral lessons and teachings. How do you ensure that these messages are conveyed effectively to children without appearing to be too didactic or overly preachy?
Stuti Gupta
@author_stuti · 1:46

@Ramya I personally don't like preaching, because kids by default will do the exact opposite of what you ask them to do :-) #storytricks #lifelessons

Hello. You know, one thing that I learned really early on as a storyteller was that kids are going to do exactly the opposite, what you ask them to do. So if I tell them that this is bad and you're not supposed to do it, they will find it really cool to do it. And I think it only grows as they grow. So we see this streak to a great extent in teenagers as well
Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:40

4. Advice to aspiring authors seeking publication?

As the chief editor at Srishti Publishers, how do you work with authors to ensure that their vision and voice are maintained while also meeting the editorial and market standards of the publishing house? And also one more final question with which I think we can wrap this conversation what advice would you give to aspiring authors who are seeking publication? What should they consider while submitting their work to a publishing house? And is there something they can do to increase their chances of getting their manuscript accepted?
Stuti Gupta
@author_stuti · 3:03


If you're able to give it to them, I think there are better chances for your manuscript to be accepted. These are very small things, I guess, but they go a long way. And if you want to know anything more, please feel free to reach out to our team at this Srishti Publisher's handle or my personal handle here. I will be really happy to help you through. Thank you