A little bit of an intro

I don't really believe in limiting myself and I'm currently 16 and I'm looking to apply to university in a couple of countries, actually in the US, UK, Finland and so on. And yeah, I am kind of in that college applications process and I'm still figuring things out with regards to extracurriculars and stuff, because I am a student from India and I pretty much have no clue how international work

#student #college #opportunities #relatable #books #music #highschool

Shashank Sehgal
@SSS135 · 1:02
I like to hear their experiences. And this is very great, actually. I don't know if you can relate to it. And this reminds me of so many movies that I've watched on such experiences. Things that are normal and things that no one can explain. And I'm also a college student right now doing law. So again, best of luck. A future