Soumili Bose
@Soumili_Bose9 · 0:16

Do you know how to stop being lazy all day?

Hi, everyone. This is Shermali. Do you know how to stop being lazy all day and finally start being productive and, like, find the motivation to complete all your work? Yeah, me neither. Bye

#sayitonswell #joke #lame #sorry

Soumili Bose
@Soumili_Bose9 · 0:19


I'm sorry I couldn't think of a topic today. I felt so lazy and tired and exhausted. So I decided I should drop some of my lame as you were fresh from my mind. Even if it hasn't made you laugh. Then don't blame me. I'm lame. Okay. Bye
Divyangana Haldar
@Divyangana · 1:12
You know what? Show Mely, this is really a very interesting question. And according to me, this whole pandemic situation and this whole lockdown process has made us more and more, more lazy than we were before. So I think that to overcome laziness, one needs to be very motivated for doing something. For example, you make your mind up that tomorrow in the morning, I'm not going to lay down or sit with my phone, and I'm going to be productive