The secret truth of DNA tests aka I wish someone had told me

Don't go in expecting these huge, elaborate family reunions and these great connections, because in all likelihood, you're not going to get them and you're going to get your heart broken, so just be careful

#WelcomePrompts #rants #discussion #dna #warning

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:41
I'm really glad you're sharing this story. It must be really hard, and I commend you for doing it, but it is a very good point. And it's kind of like, I don't think I've heard that many people talk about it, but it can stir up a lot of stuff. It's very complicated. But, yeah. Thank you for sharing
dani parker
@SomethingWicked · 2:27


She can do what she wants, but she's done things to deeply hurt me, things that deeply affect my life. But that's a different story altogether. I do have people that are the best family I could ever ask for. I've got my brother. I've got my cousin Jan, who's a cousin, a best friend, a big sister, and another mom all rolled into one. I've got her daughter Amber, who's a cousin, a sister, and a friend