Seng Phengdouangdeth
@sengri_laย ยทย 2:33

Question of the Day: Do you listen to podcasts?

Hey, good evening, everybody. In the swell universe. It is seng here. And I am in Fargo, North Dakota. Oh, my God. You can hear my accent when I say that. Fargo. I said it again. Anyway, today's question of the day is, do you listen to podcasts? And the reason I ask this is because I actually just put out a podcast today, and I'd love for you to hear it

Which ones are your favorite? Minnesota Mysteries: @mn_mysteries #askswell #question #questionoftheday #podcast

Brian Foreman
@BKFOREMAN69ย ยทย 2:21
I have to apologize, I couldn't look, maybe I'll look as I'm talking here, but one I know for sure is called Growing Well. It is a farming podcast because I'm the up north minimalist. I am creating a homestead. So I listen to that. I listen to the unspeakable apparently around the NFL during the football season. Again, when I'm growing good. I'm Sorry is the name of the farming one life kit
Seng Phengdouangdeth
@sengri_laย ยทย 1:29


Another podcast I started listening to recently is how rude Tanneritos and it is I forget their names off the top of my head the woman who played Stephanie and then the woman who played now I'm forgetting that Kimmy Gibler there it is definitely good. Listen, though, it's very interesting to hear some of these behind the scenes kind of right. Pretty, pretty good stuff. Thank you so much
Swell Team
@Swellย ยทย 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Micah Liss
@micahicarusย ยทย 3:02
Hey, I'm first of all. Hi. I'm Micah. And first of all, to basically answer your question, yes, I do listen to podcasts. However, I've always been the kind of person where I listen to podcasts in the way that most people listen to audiobooks of where I am a personal huge fan of the genre of podcasts that are more fiction based
Seng Phengdouangdeth
@sengri_laย ยทย 1:58


There are a lot of episodes, so it's going to be a journey for sure. But I'm definitely interested. I'll have to check it out. But yeah, as far as my podcast goes, definitely give it a listen if you're into that kind of stuff. I'm only one episode in. I just released it on Monday. It's about 24 minutes long. But if you're looking for some extra content, I have created another podcast