Question of the Day: How Do You Feel About Your Job?

But at the moment, I'm starting to feel like perhaps I don't know, I kind of feel like I'm just doing this job alone. I feel like my coworker has more things to complain about than, I don't know, like, been getting jobs done or work orders completed, what I've been doing, which is a bad habit. So just take my point of view right here. Take my pointer

But, how do you really feel about it? #QuestionoftheDay #Question #AskSwell

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:00
And so I looked for jobs that were promotional and gave the option to telework a couple of days a week. And that's what I have. So I didn't stop until I find it. And I was even in interviews, and I would ask them, is there a possibility of telework? And if they said no, I said, well, we can stop the interview right now because this is what I'm looking for
@ShoFuturistic · 3:06
So Pivoting utilizing what I did best in the old career and trying to figure out my space in a new tangent in that career, if it's not creating media, it's doing something that played to the strengths of what I brought to the table and trying to find a way to make that work. So do I like my job? No, I don't like what I did before because it was unstable. And yeah, it's unstable, but going forward, it's very exciting
it’s chantal
@iamchantal · 5:00
And really, to me, it's really a quick fix of hire someone else to help with this workload and so that things move more efficient and that the work is more quality work. Because then we'll have the workload spread to other people. And I'm not the only one going through this, obviously, you're stating how you feel in your job
it’s chantal
@iamchantal · 5:00
And I feel like I'm in a position where if I say something about it, it almost makes it worse. Like you're not supposed to voice your opinions or whatever. And I'm honestly considering, like you said, looking for another job, resigned. I mean, technically I do have another job in the wings, but like I said, I try to be proactive in having different options because I can't afford to not work, my kid can't afford to not eat or to not
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 3:42
And they won't care about the work until the person that is actually doing all the job, doing all the work leaves because they're not recognized that they're doing so much work. I wish you luck in your search. I hope you find something that is fulfilling for you. Please follow. Take a listen to some of my swell cats. It generally revolves around food. Have a great day, man
Harvey Pullings II
@The79thstreetkd · 2:58
So I've just really kind of grown tired of my job, and I'm, like, full steam ahead trying to do something better because I'd rather put forth the effort now while I'm young than, like they say, live a life of regret and what what ifs because there's got to be more than this
Yuvraj Jain
@yjain60 · 4:50
Because at this point, even I am myself not able to figure out what next would come up for me if I had to take up a job sometime, sooner or later. I think it is important to have a job going well for you in your life because it kind of impacts the rest of it. Your family, your personal, your finances and everything. And we live in a very difficult space now than ever before
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:10
For instance, we know that the builder that we're in, it has a couple of issues that's wrong, and when it goes on too long, that means it's another maintenance call and then another maintenance call, and then another maintenance call, because something else done happened. That compounded on top of that. So I just wanted to say thank you for the work that you do, and I'm going to do another response about my job
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:43

What Brings Me Joy♥️

It's a place that I have to go to to pay my bills. As far as what I actually like to do, which is blogging and creating home decor tips and ideas on social media, that's what I prefer to do. That's what brings my heart joy. That's what makes me calm. That's what sets me in the Lo fi moment, just chilling and everything like that, because I'm literally utilizing skills sets that I have and that God has placed in me
Pragati Chopra
@Pragati.chopra · 2:51
And then the best part about my job now is that I know that I have room to grow and I have that role that is driven by my passion, by my interest and by my dream future dream. So it's interesting and I'm really happy and thank you so much for putting up this question and it's really an interesting one to answer. So all in all, I just love what I do and I feel so happy and blessed that I've been chosen to work this way